Latar Belakang Berdasarkan Data Statistik 2013 jumlah penduduk Indonesia mencapai jiwa yang akan bertambah sebesar 1,49 setiap ta. Several of those factors were preventable and controllable. Berdasarkan Data Statistik 2013 jumlah penduduk Indonesia mencapai jiwa yang akan bertambah sebesar 1,49 setiap tahunnya 1 I. The risk of hypertension increased among respondents aged 45 years and over by 2.63 times, mental emotional disorders (2.19 times), central obesity (1.75 times), hypercholesterolemia (1.68 times), general obesity (1.57 times), unemployed (1.39 times), low education (1.30 times) with p<0.05. The proportion of hypertension was 51.8% (95%CI: 49.4-54.2), 45.8% males, and 55.4% females with p≥0.05. 'Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Hipertensi Pada Penduduk Indonesia Yang Menderita Diabetes Melitus (Data Riskesdas 2013).' Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan, vol. Didirikan sejak tahun 2013, Spadegaming menjadi salah satu provider game slot online dengan. There were 5253 respondents with DM, consisted of 1966 males (37.4%), and 3287 females (62.6%). MENANGJUDI: Situs Judi Slot Online Terbaik di Indonesia. Hypertension was defined based on having diagnosed by health providers or was taking antihypertension medication or blood pressure examination showing systolic pressure of ≥140 mmHg, and/or diastolic pressure of ≥90 mmHg. DM respondents was selected based on having been diagnosed as DM by medical doctors or was taking DM medication, or blood glucose examination confirmed DM according to Perkeni consensus 2011. This study aimed to assess the association of several factors with hypertension among DM people based on Basic Health Research 2013 data. Both of them increase the risk of cardiovascular and renal diseases. Water: a Shared Responsibility (The United Nations World Water Development Report 2).Prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) and hypertension is increasing worldwide due to lifestyle changes. New York: United Nations Development Programme. Water Governance for Poverty Reduction (K. Pengembangan Indeks Kualitas Air Sebagai Alternatif Penilaian Kualitas Air Sungai. R., Puji Lestari, R., Nazir, E., Diah Pitalokasari, O., & Fauzi, R. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 82 Tahun 2001 Tentang Pengelolaan Kualitas Air dan Pengendalian Pencemaran Air. Jurnal Litbang Provinsi Jawa Tengah, 15(2), 207–215. Pengaruh Perubahan Jumlah Penduduk Terhadap Kualitas Air di Indonesia. Sustainability (Switzerland), 9(8), 1–14. Impact of Population Growth on The Water Quality of Natural Water Bodies. Exploring Environmental Issues: An Integrated Approach (1st ed.). Urbanization and Water Pollution in China. Journal of Water and Health, 11(1), 1–12. Global Costs and Benefits of Drinking-Water Supply and Sanitation Interventions to Reach the MDG Target and Universal Coverage. Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN) menyampaikan pada tahun ini penduduk Indonesia diperkirakan akan mencapai 250 juta jiwa dengan pertumbuhan penduduk 1,49 per tahun. Access to Safe Drinking Water and Its Impact on Global Economic Growth. Rates of Urbanisation and The Resiliency of Air and Water Quality. fBeberapa dampak sosial ekonomi yang ditimbulkan dari banyaknya. Jumlah penduduk yang besar merupakan salah satu modal dasar pembangunan. Permasalahan jumlah penduduk yang besar kependudukan di di dunia, pada tahun 2010 Indonesia jumlah penduduk Indonesia mencapai 237,64 juta. Der, Shandas, V., Chang, H., & George, L. Jumlah Penduduk Besar Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan 1. Population and Development Review, 28, 126–143. Population Dynamics and the Decline in Biodiversity: A Survey of the Literature. Perubahan-perubahan dari jumlah penduduk, komposisi dan distribusinya. Besar atau jumlah, komposisi dan distribusi penduduk dalam suatu wilayah. Mandaluyong City, Philippines: Asian Development Bank.Ĭhu, C. Demografi menekankan pada kajian-kajian sebagai berikut : 1. Keywords: Population Growth, Water Quality Index, EnvironmentĪsian Development Bank. Every 1000 population in-crease will reduce the water quality index by 0.04 (ceteris paribus), which indicates that there is a need for control of the population growth rate to be more aware of the preservation of a sustainable environment. This study found that population growth has a nega-tive and significant effect on the water quality index in Indonesia. This study examines popula-tion growth in the water quality index in 33 provinces in Indonesia during 2013-2017 using the panel method of fixed-effect models. In the case of Indonesia, the population growth trend has decreased every year, but not followed by an index of water quality that should have increased. Previous empirical studies have shown that un-controlled population growth has a negative and significant impact on the quality of clean water. Population growth and urban development continue to increase at an unprecedented rate and create pressure on the quality of clean water.